
Introducing The Color Diet: An Intuitive Guide to Cooking with Color. A journey through the world of choosing and preparing your food with the eye of an artist, focusing on correlations between the color we see in the food kingdoms, their nutritional properties, and color harmony.

The Chinese Five Element Theory

Different colored food sources, fruits & vegetables have its unique nutrients as in proteins, vitamins, minerals, fiber, etc and their right combination are more beneficial to our body as it provides a full spectrum of nutrients that our body need for optimal health, protects against diseases and slows the aging process, etc.

The Role of Garnish

A few years ago, I working on a still-life involving a luscious bowl of green grapes and some glistening kitchenware. The painting was coming along well, my composition was solid, and the colors were luscious. Yet it was lacking something, that type of energy that would give it some sense of completion, take it beyond…

How Does Color Affect Taste?

Tasting food with the sensors on your tongue is only possible if the signals from your taste buds are sent to the brain. Once in the brain, the signals are decoded. The sweet flavor of an orange is only sweet if the brain tells you it is.

Cartenoids: What You See is What You Get!

Cartenoids with their bright colors are very well-known to humans for their health benefits as antioxidants, aids to macular (eyes) function, direct sources of essential fatty acids and Vitamins A and E, so it is no surprise we are preconditioned to pay special attention to foods in the color range of the oranges, reds and yellows. These colors are designed to have our full attention and are an exciting part of our food experience.

Qualities of the Colors

Certain colors contained in foods share nutritional qualities. By eating a wide variety of colors in combination, you are ensured of eating a balanced diet.

Yellow : Balancing the Body

Yellow is an invigorating color that is occurs quite often in nature. Sometimes it signals a strong flavor with acute medicinal powers (lemon, tumeric), while at other times it just offers a colorful variety to a fruit or vegetable with other color varieties, such as a banana squash (yellow pepper) or a yellow bell pepper….

Color Chords: Part 1

With an artistic approach to using color, we can find the same kind of notes and chord combinations that we hear in music.